
Pride season is an opportunity for us to celebrate LGBTQ+ communities all around the world. You can show your Pride and raise vital funds for us, so take a look at some inspiration below to see how you can get involved!

If you’re not sure what to do yet, then don’t worry! Order your free fundraising guide and read through our event ideas, fundraising top tips, information about where your vital money will go and much more.

Already know how you want to fundraise? Brilliant! Please get in touch and let us know your plans, and we’ll be here to offer our support.

Fundraise with friends and family

  • Big Shave Off: grab your clippers and brave the shave to raise vital funds.
  • Mark a Milestone: whether you mark the anniversary of your diagnosis, becoming undetectable, or a milestone of living well, many people living with HIV choose to highlight an important landmark in their lives during Pride.
  • Facebook Fundraiser: set up a fundraiser for Pride and share it with all of your Facebook friends to make a difference.
  • Pride dinner or garden party: a fun excuse to show off your decorating skills! Host a fun-filled Pride-themed party in the comfort of your own home.
  • Pride picnic: grab your hampers for the ultimate summer picnic and celebrate Pride, all while raising vital funds for us.
  • Games night: gather your favourite old school board games or go more technical with the newest video game. Invite friends and family round to crown the ultimate gamer.

Fundraise at work

  • Pride dress down day: ask your colleagues to join you by wearing a Pride-themed outfit for one day. This could be the classic rainbow colours or you can go one step further and dress up as your favourite LGBTQ+ personality.
  • Bake sale: this classic fundraiser never fails! Get your colleagues to create their signature bakes and sell round the office.
  • Potluck: ask your co-workers to bring in their favourite homemade lunch dish, and then ask for a £5 donation so everyone can tuck in!
  • Hold a bucket collection: a fun and generous way to help those affected by HIV or poor sexual health.

Fundraise by getting active

  • Take on another challenge event: make Pride the month you finally set yourself that running challenge. You and your friends can motivate each other to stick to a training schedule, and see who can achieve the fastest time on event day.