Hear from people who overcame the challenges of living with HIV to achieve their ambitions.
Hear from people who overcame the challenges of living with HIV to achieve their ambitions.
Life really changed when these people were diagnosed with HIV – they achieved their ambitions.
We help people to come to terms with their HIV diagnosis and get on with life.
Watch these stories and hear first-hand how these amazing people overcame prejudice and discrimination in their relationships, employment and health. HIV doesn't limit their lives.
Oli shares the impact of his HIV diagnosis on his job in the Royal Navy and how he managed, with our help, to change the rules at the Ministry of Defence for those living with HIV.
How Allan came to terms with HIV and went on to marry his childhood sweetheart.
If you're in a difficult financial situation after being diagnosed, our online advisors can give you advice about housing, debt and welfare benefits.
Anita's HIV diagnosis was nearly missed by doctors but now she's now a successful radio playwright and garden designer.
People diagnosed with HIV are now put on treatment straight away. Find out more about HIV.
Being part of the Positive Voices community has helped Ese to accept himself.
Our Positive Voices speakers are a team of volunteers who talk about their personal experiences of living with HIV.
Watching It's a Sin helped Luke to come to terms with his diagnosis.
Sadiq didn't let anything get in the way of his dream to become a circus artist.
If you're facing discrimination like Sadiq, you may benefit from the support offered by My Community Forum, a safe and welcoming space to meet other people living with HIV.
Sue shares the impact of her diagnosis on her daughter and her relationships.
If you're not sure how to talk about your HIV status and would like some support, you can speak to one of our online counsellors.