Let's raise our voices

This Pride, you can do something really, really special


Support our Positive Voices project today, and you’ll help to put an end to those outdated views of what it means to live with HIV. You’ll have heard the harmful myths, and you’ll know about the unnecessary stigma that so many of us still face.

Do something positive, right now

Positive Voices can challenge all of that. It empowers people living with HIV to tell their stories about what life is really like after a diagnosis. In schools, colleges and workplaces around the country, our speakers talk to people about the happy, healthy and positive lives they lead. We need your help to reach even more people.

Stop us from going silent

So today, please stand with us, and for everyone living a full life after an HIV diagnosis. It’s so important to tell the right stories, and it’s only with your support that Positive Voices can continue to make such a profound difference.

Right now, our Positive Voices services are at risk, with some areas only funded until September. But with you on board, we can keep spreading the right messages, to more people, for a long time to come.

Make a difference today

Positive Voices can only smash stigma because of people like you. So, this Pride, please support us (in whatever way you can) and share this page with as many of your friends, family and colleagues as possible! Because the more people hear about Positive Voices, the more people will hear about what it’s really like to live a happy and healthy life after an HIV diagnosis.


Speakers like John can smash stigma. And it's people like you who can make John's voice heard.