29 Rectory Road
United Kingdom
The Terrence Higgins Trust Oxfordshire team will be transferring into the Oxfordshire Sexual Health Service delivered by Oxford University Hospitals Trust (OUH) from 1 April 2025.
We thank you for your continued support of the Terrence Higgins Trust team Oxfordshire who look forward to continuing to work with you moving forwards as part of OUH. If you would like to contact the team to book an outreach session or have any queries about the c-card scheme please contact [email protected]
Our Oxford centre offers a range of services including sexual health advice, outreach, free condoms and training.
Our clinical services are available by appointment and outreach. They're delivered in partnership with Oxfordshire Sexual Health (provided by Oxfordshire University Hospitals NHS Trust).
Appointment times vary. Please call 01865 231231 or visit Oxfordshire Sexual Health for information.
Sexual health information and advice
We offer group and one-to-one work on:
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Contraception
- Relationships
- Safer sex
We provide STI testing in community settings.
We deliver outreach work with communities all over Oxfordshire. We're particularly committed to working with groups who are disproportionately affected by HIV and other STIs, and those who may face extra barriers to accessing sexual health services. These include (but are not limited to) sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people, LGBTQ+ youth, young people, migrant communities and racially minoritised communities.
Working with young people (under 25)
We provide outreach work to youth organisations, which includes sexual health and relationships education, and information on local clinics. This can involve us coming to an event (such as freshers' fairs) with a stall and leaflets, coming in to talk to a small group about a sexual health (consent, STIs, condoms, HIV, healthy relationships, sex and pleasure and porn) or giving information about the Oxfordshire C-Card. We can also drop into youth groups and schools/colleges to run similar outreach.
We offer monthly C-card training for professionals. This is a 60-minute session that will enable professionals to issue free condoms and lube to young people under 25. We provide all the materials and condoms required and they will be sent via post after the training.
Want to find out about upcoming training? Join our mailing list by emailing [email protected].
We provide comprehensive reviews of schools' current RSE curriculum to understand how to develop and improve on the curriculum. We then offer tailor-made training for the school in teaching RSE to students. This will address areas seen as needing additional information and resources as well as helping staff and students feel more comfortable with the topic.
If your school is interested in participating, please email [email protected].
We provide workshops and talks for students in year 9 onwards where there is a recognised lack of sexual health provision. These RSE topics include:
- Consent
- Healthy relationships
- STIs and contraception
- Bodies and pleasure
- HIV awareness
- Intimate photo sharing
- Media and porn literacy
- Sexual health services.
Our work within schools is based upon the RSE 2020 Government guidelines and we take feedback from students after each session. This is to understand their RSE needs, to build on their knowledge and support them in taking ownership of their education. From this we develop bespoke group work within our service remit.
We expect one member of your staff to be present during these sessions in case safeguarding issues arise.
If you have any further questions about the schools work we deliver, please email us at [email protected].
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
We work with local SEND schools and young people's organisations to provide sexual health and relationships lessons, workshops and resources. We can also offer some education to adults. This will be a collaborative project with your organisation or school to prepare bespoke learning based on specific SEND needs.
We can attend freshers' fairs, provide STI testing, refer into sexual health clinics, and provide workshops on a variety of sexual health and relationship topics for your society or student union.
If there is a sexual health or relationships topic that you would like a workshop/talk on, email [email protected] to see if we can either provide a session, refer to a different service or provide resources.
One-to-one education programme
Our one-to-one programme is intended to support young people aged 13-24 with vulnerabilities, or who may be at risk from harm or sexual ill-health in Oxfordshire.
All referrals must be submitted through our Oxfordshire young person referral form, where you will also find the full referral criteria.
Working with sex workers
We offer sexual health information and pathways into sexual health services in Oxfordshire for sex workers. A lot of our outreach is currently online.
Our outreach includes referring into ClinicU @ Rectory Road, which is open on Tuesdays. You can book appointments by messaging us on Adultwork, on Instagram or by contacting us via [email protected].
We provide confidential information and a listening space for sex workers in Oxfordshire.
We distribute sex worker packs to organisations who work with sex workers and directly to sex workers.
For more information please contact [email protected].
C-Card: free condoms for 13 to 24 year olds
We provide free condoms via the Oxfordshire C-Card scheme for 13 to 24 year olds. We offer regular, trim, king or super king size and latex free condoms, as well as lube.
If you are under 16, please book an appointment with your school nurse to sign up.
If you are 16 or over, you can sign up and make an order via the website. We can provide a maximum of twelve condoms per order, and five packs of lube. These will be sent by second class post.
Alternatively, you can find a registration or collection point on the website.
Please contact [email protected] if you have an issues or queries.
From 1 April 2025 the Terrence Higgins Trust Oxfordshire team will be transferring to the Oxfordshire Sexual Health Service delivered by Oxford University Hospitals Trust (OUH).
If you would like to contact the team to book an outreach session or have any queries about the C-Card scheme please contact [email protected]
We thank you for your support of our work and look forward to continuing to work with you as part of OUH.