
My Community


My Community is a free online space for people living with HIV to feel supported, connect, share experiences, seek advice, find reliable information and get involved.

My Community Forum succeeded our myHIV forum in 2020 after nearly 10 years, and My Community is it’s next evolution. Through co-production, we learnt what our members needed from online peer support – something easy to access, mobile optimised, safe and engaging. 

My Community is available via an app downloaded to your phone (iOS or Android) or via a web browser.  It’s hosted by Mighty Networks and GDPR compliant. 

Members can share personal experiences of living with HIV. They can ask questions and seek advice from peers about living with HIV.  It will serve as a resource for reliable information about HIV including diagnosis, treatments and managing multiple health conditions. Also, members can promote and sign up to events an opportunities across the UK.  

While living with HIV is what connects this community, members connect on a much broader range of interests and topics. We have spaces to discuss books, films, travel and gardening for example.  Our members and volunteers are from diverse backgrounds and have varied experience and expertise in navigating living with HIV. We have spaces for different communities and nations of the UK.

My Community has lots of exciting features such as an AI assistant to help you write your posts or bio. We can host “Go Live” video sessions inviting members and experts to share interesting information with members in a safe way. It is Zoom integrated so we will in the future deliver our online peer support groups through My community connecting members in between sessions. 

"I'm really excited for the launch of My Community, I can't wait to see people receive the invaluable support I received when first diagnosed. Our new platform is going to be something very special! Tell everyone!" – Niamh

“I'm excited to welcome old and new members and to make connections to those who have felt in some way left out, My Community is a one stop shop that caters for all needs” – Martin 

"This is a new tool in our armoury to engage and be seen, it's all about the community, as we all thrive together." – Billy 

“I'm really excited with the new platform and the opportunities the new technology will allow us to embrace. It allows us to expand peer support to a diverse community of people and their experiences that we can learn from each other” - Stuart

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