
Order your free test kit


Testing for chlamydia is really easy: it just involves peeing in a pot or taking a swab and you can order a postal test kit online.

Our online service is free and confidential, which means we won’t share any details about your test. You’ll get your results back within 10 working days, straight to your phone.

Chlamydia can be treated very easily by taking a course of antibiotics. However if left untreated it can seriously affect your health in a number of ways:

  • It can cause infertility (this is where you have problems conceiving or are unable to).
  • It can cause reactive arthritis which affects your joints - this can be painful and cause long-term joint problems.

Find out if you're eligible by entering your details on our order page. You need to be 16 or older to use this online ordering service. We're currently able to offer this service in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

If you live in certain areas you'll also be offered a test for gonorrhoea.

Why test for chlamydia?


Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the UK. It affects both men and women.

It often has no symptoms, so you might not know you have it. The only way to find out is to take a test.

Even if you don’t think you’ve been at risk and you don’t have any symptoms, taking a chlamydia test is still a good idea – it’s a simple way to find out how easy it is to get tested.

When to test?

  • If you have never tested for chlamydia or gonorrhoea before.
  • If you have had sexual contact with a different person since you last tested.
  • If you have not tested for chlamydia or gonorrhoea in over a year.
  • If you have not used a condom and/or have had any form of unsafe sex.
  • If a condom splits.
  • If you’re pregnant.
  • After any new sexual partner – infections can be detected two weeks after sexual activity.
  • At least once a year.

How does the test work?


Simply enter your postcode and date of birth to order your test kit.

The test kit includes either a pot for a urine sample or a swab, a form, safe packaging and a freepost envelope.

When your kit arrives, fill out the short form in capital letters. Fill in the label and stick it on the screw top bottle. Follow the instructions provided to take your sample and then post it off with your form in the freepost envelope.

Supply of swabs is currently limited as a result of coronavirus testing so some people who would normally receive a swab kit may receive a urine sample kit instead.

If you're taking a urine sample, make sure you haven’t peed within the last one hour – if you have, wait until later.

Regular tests help reduce the risk and spread of infection so keep testing!

How will I get my results?


If you don't have chlamydia, we will let you know the result by text.

If you do have chlamydia and need treatment, we will call you to arrange an appointment at a clinic of your choice.

You should return for a repeat test/treatment if:

  • you think you have come into contact with chlamydia again
  • you and your partner had any form of unsafe sex within seven days of taking the chlamydia treatment
  • you didn't finish taking your treatment or didn't take it according to the instructions
  • the signs and symptoms don’t go away.

You should also get tested at a GUM clinic if your original test was negative but you then develop symptoms of chlamydia.

If your symptoms don’t improve, you should contact a clinic or call THT Direct on 0808 802 1221. This includes any pelvic pain that doesn't improve or any pain when having sex.