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What is mpox (monkeypox)?


Mpox (monkeypox) is a viral infection. It is related to smallpox but less severe.

The current outbreak of mpox in the UK is being driven by intimate close contact, especially during sex.

It can be transmitted through contact with bodily fluids, sores, blisters, or lesions on the skin or internally, for example, through contact in the mouth, throat, genitals (penis, vulva/front hole), or rectum.

It is mainly being transmitted within sexual networks. There is much lower risk of transmission from respiratory droplets and contaminated objects.

Mpox can be more severe for those living with HIV who aren’t on HIV treatment, or have a CD4 count below 200. People at high risk of HIV are advised to get tested for the virus, along with anyone who tests positive for mpox. People on treatment with well-managed HIV have similar outcomes as those without HIV.

Mpox symptoms and treatment

See how to protect yourself from mpox

Getting the mpox vaccine